AL-DYNAMIC 8000 is designed for handling of slaps and curb stones as well as for jobs on building sites and has a capacity up to 8000 kg. and ensures a fast, precise handling of loads like steps, steel plates, balcony repos etc.

For suspension to any carrying vehicle with hook, rope, chain, wire or similar and standard powered by a 2,8 HP Honda Petrol engine

AL-DYNAMIC 8000 ensures fast and precise handling of claps, concrete elements, steel plates etc.

AL-DYNAMIC 8000 is popular in rental companies and among construction companies because of the simple and easy construction, which ensures an easy and simple handling.

  • Activate power on control panel
  • Start Honda petrol engine using the cord
  • Position suction plate on the load surface and slide the manual valve to activate vacuum
  • When the acoustic buzzer and red warning lamp stops, it is safe to lift the load.

Suction plates can be changed in minutes. A wide assortment of standard suction cups is available from stock.

Extra equipment

  • Remote controlled (Radio) suction and release of load
  • Parking support legs
  • AL-MANOKIT for 2-man handling of slaps in areas where heavy vehicles are prohibited

Download data sheet

    Contact me for price

    Løftekapacitet:500 kg ved -0,8 bar
    Løftekapaciteten afhænger af sugepladen, der benyttes.
    Bredde total:500 mm
    Dybde total:
    400 mm
    Højde total:400 mm
    Løfteøje:ø35 mm
    Egenvægt:34 kg (ekskl. sugekop)
    Vakuumpumpekapacitet3.3 m3/time
    Sikkerhedssystem1) Vakuummeter
    2) Akustisk signal og visuel alarm ved lavt vakuum

    Suction cups – round

    The complete suction pad consist of a suction plate mounted black rubber ring vulcanized with 20x20 mm orange sponge...

    Suction cups – Square

    The complete suction pad consist of a suction plate mounted black rubber ring vulcanized with 20x20 mm orange sponge...

    Suction cups – Heavy lifting

    The complete suction cup consists a suction plate mounted on a black rupper ring vulcanized with 40x20 mm orange...

    Suction cups – Curbs

    The complete suction cup consist of a suction plate mounted black rubber ring vulcanized with 20x20 mm orange sponge rubber. New...

    Suction cups curbs – Adjustable

    The suction pad for curbs is adjustable from 0-90 degrees New rubber rings can be ordered as a spare part...

    About AL-LIFT

    What product are you looking for?

    Tile lifters
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    Vacuum lifters for cranes
    Heavy lifts up to 30 tons
    Clamp tools for the construction business


    Mobile solutions
    Swing cranes
    Cranes with chain hoist
    Lifting yokes
    Industrial Manipulator
    Bridge crane systems
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    Flexmover 90G

    What do you want to lift?


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