Personal Data Policy

Personal Data Policy for
AL-Lift ApS, Transportvej 23, DK-7620 Lemvig


This Personal Data Policy applies to collecting and handling of your personal data in connection with purchase, execution of orders, or employment at AL-LIFT.

When giving your personal data to AL-LIFT via our homepage, mail, phone or directly you accept that your personal data is stored and handled in order for AL-LIFT to fulfill your enquiry/purchase/order in the best possible way.

We take care of your Personal Data!
With this Personal Data Policy AL-LIFT wants to show:

  • How we obtain the highest level of security for our clients and employees regarding handling and protection of personal data
  • How we provide a clear overall picture of how we handle your personal data

Data Controller

AL-LIFT is the leading producer and front runner within vacuum technology for industry and construction.
Allan Laursen is the manager/owner of AL-LIFT and the data controller of the company.

The Company Contact Information:

Transportvej 23
DK-7620 Lemvig
Phone: +45 9710 1074

AL-LIFT handles all personal data according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Giving your personal data you at the same time give AL-LIFT your consent for them to handle your personal data.

AL-LIFT collects the following personal data

Business Customers and Vendor Data

  • Personal Data: Name, address, phone number, mobile number, e-mail address, customer/vendor number, CVR number, contact information, order history, information and terms of payment


  • Personal Data: Information before, under, and after employment including contractual obligations in connection with terms of employment
  • Sensitive Personal Data: Sensitive personal data are collected only when necessary


AL-LIFT collects only information necessary for handling of customers, vendors, and employees.

Examples of purposes for which AL-LIFT collects information:

  • Contact information for customers/vendors
  • Handling of customers and vendors
  • Contact information for sending invoices, offers, newsletters etc.
  • Compliance with legal requirements
  • Legal and contractual information regarding employees

Deleting Personal Information

AL-LIFT will delete your personal information, when AL-LIFT has no further legal obligation or when there is no longer a purpose for storing the information.

Sharing Personal Information

AL-LIFT will not share personal information with anyone outside AL-LIFT.

AL-LIFT are using data controllers for backup and handling of data. These data controllers only handle information on behalf of AL-LIFT and are not allowed to use the data for own purposes. Contracts are made with all data controllers, and data controllers are checked continuously to secure compliance with EU General Data Protection Regulation.

In certain cases, AL-LIFT may also be obliged to share personal information according to legislation or on the basis of a public authority decision.

AL-LIFT has taken all necessary technical and organizational precautions against personal data being accidental or illegal deleted, being published, being lost, being degraded, or any unauthorized person gaining access or knowledge to it, being misused, or being handled against legal compliance.

Personal information and handling of personal data are only done according to EU General Data Protection Regulation. 


AL-LIFT do not use cookies.

Legal Basis
Below AL-LIFT accounts for the legal basis for processing your personal data:

  • Compliance of a contract
  • Legitimate interests
  • Consents
  • Legal obligations
  • Terms of interest

Your Rights

In accordance to the EU General Data Protection Regulation, you have a number of rights regarding your personal data. These rights are as follows:

  • You have the right to get insight of your personal data stored
  • You have the right to get a copy of your personal data
  • You have the right to get your personal data corrected and updated
  • You have the right to get your personal data deleted or ”to be forgotten”
    If you wish to have your personal data deleted AL-LIFT will delete them, unless AL-LIFT is legally obliged to store the personal data
  • You have the right to withdraw your consent if the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, unless AL-LIFT is legally obliged to process the personal data
  • You have the right to receive or get your personal data transferred in a structured, commonly used, and machine readable format (Data Portability)
  • You have the right to get informed if any security breaches at AL-LIFT
  • You have the right to complain about the handling of your personal data at AL-LIFT
  • You have the right to complain about the handling of your personal data at AL-LIFT to Datatilsynet

Insight, Receipt, and Transfer

If you have requested any rights from above list AL-LIFT has 4 weeks to update, delete, forward or transfer the information. The request has to be signed by you and has to include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and copy of your passport or driver’s license.

AL-LIFT may reject requests, which are: unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical action, affect the protection of other people’s personal information, or including situations where the desired action is considered excessively complicated.


If you have any questions, comments, or complaints to AL-LIFT’s handling of personal information, please contact:

Transportvej 23
DK-7620 Lemvig
Phone: +45 9710 1074

Att.: Allan Laursen

Should this not clarify the matter, you may register a complaint with Datatilsynet (the Danish Data Protection Agency). For contact information see:




What product are you looking for?

Tile lifters
Glass lifters
Vacuum lifters for cranes
Heavy lifts up to 30 tons
Clamp tools for the construction business


Mobile solutions
Swing cranes
Cranes with chain hoist
Lifting yokes
Industrial Manipulator
Bridge crane systems
Flexmover Original
Flexmover Terra
Flexmover 90G

What do you want to lift?


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